Queen Sylvia Nagginda Luswata of Buganda has divulged a highly coveted secret of her conceive a pair of twins with Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi. The queen's revelation is found in her newly released autobiography, which sheds light on her private life as a queen of Buganda.

Jade Catherine Nakato and Jasmine Rebecca Babirye, the twin daughters of the queen and the kabaka, were born on December 6, 2010, in Kampala, Uganda. The queen's autobiography makes several references to her children, with a portion of the dedication dedicated to her daughters and Princess Sarah Katrinah Ssanga Lyambogo, the eldest child of the queen and kabaka.

In her autobiography, the queen discloses that she and the kabaka welcomed their twin daughters over twelve years ago, expanding the royal family of Buganda Kingdom. With the addition of the twins, the number of children shared between the Nabagereka and the Kabaka now stands at four children.

The queen's revelation on how to conceive twins has caused a stir among the public, as many are eager to learn the secret of her success. Queen Sylvia Nagginda Luswata's autobiography offers an intriguing glimpse into the life of one of the most prominent figures in Buganda's history, revealing both her private struggles and her public triumphs.