The Electric Vehicle Ensemble of MIT has embarked upon an avant-garde venture: the creation of an electric motorcycle energized by a hydrogen fuel cell. Historically recognized for their trailblazing endeavors in fabricating and racing cutting-edge electric conveyances on the global stage, this academic consortium is charting new territories. Their latest endeavor? Crafting a motorcycle reliant on hydrogen power, utilizing an advanced fuel cell mechanism, as a pioneering probe into the domain of hydrogen-centric transit.
In the epoch of October, the motorbike celebrated its inaugural full-scale examination on the test circuit. It stands as an unrestricted framework, primed for the integration and evaluation of myriad components. This design ethos ensures that enthusiasts can experiment with their bespoke iterations, leveraging the comprehensive blueprints generously disseminated by the MIT team.
Aditya Mehrotra, the vanguard of this initiative, collaborates closely with Alex Slocum, an esteemed academician in mechanical engineering, holding the distinguished Walter M. May and A. Hazel May Chair in Emerging Technologies. Mehrotra, engrossed in the intricacies of energy paradigms, harbors an innate passion for motorcycles. Reflecting upon the genesis of this project, he articulates, “Our cerebral musings converged upon the concept of a hydrogen-driven motorcycle. Following a rigorous evaluative analysis, we discerned its viability. Thus, our odyssey to materialize this vision commenced.”
Members of the consortium posit that whilst lithium-driven automobiles champion environmental stewardship, they grapple with intrinsic range constraints and the ecological ramifications of lithium extraction. Consequently, the team gravitated towards hydrogen-propelled conveyances, envisaging them as pristine alternatives, embodying the expediency reminiscent of traditional petrol-powered vehicles.
Contrary to preceding endeavors spanning the team's association with MIT since 2005, this vehicular innovation eschews competitive racing circuits, opting instead for prominent showcases at diverse symposiums. Comprising a cadre of approximately twelve prodigious scholars, the team embarked on the prototype's fabrication in the onset of January 2023. Come October, the motorbike made its debut at the Hydrogen Americas Summit, with subsequent presentations slated for the World Hydrogen Summit in the Netherlands and the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
Mehrotra elucidates, “Our aspiration transcends mere technological innovation. We envision catalyzing dialogues surrounding 'small hydrogen' systems, fostering heightened demand and subsequently, propelling infrastructure evolution. This endeavor, we ardently believe, will illuminate novel applications for hydrogen.” Complementing their tangible demonstrations and digital resources, Mehrotra reveals their endeavors to disseminate scholarly articles elucidating their methodologies and insights, aspiring to leave an indelible imprint upon the energy sector.